Featuring All Real Nutrition.
Ross McDowell has been producing Healthy Snacks now for quite a while. Crafty Chat first met Ross before protein bars when he was the driving force behind a brand new Irish biltong brand.
It was when he met Niall Harty though that the magic really started to happen.
The guys launched a natural snack brand called Origin which did pretty well but Niall & Ross knew they could do even better.
Tapping into their firm values around health, sustainable food and environmental protection they developed a brand new range of natural protein bars delivered in plastic free compostable packaging. Ross shared a little more.......
Ross McDowell from All Real Nutrition
From Where?
Farranfore, Co. Kerry. The Kingdom.
Since When?
Since 2021. Prior to that we were known as Origin (est 2017)
So What do You do?
We are a natural nutrition company based in Kerry. We use premium natural ingredients and plastic free packaging to create nutritious treats for everyone to enjoy. Our mission is to help reduce ocean plastic caused by fast moving consumer goods. Every bar sold prevents 1 plastic bottle from entering the ocean.
What do you want us to know about All Real Nutrition? Just Protein Bars?
We sell protein bars and protein peanut butters.
All our products:
Use natural ingredients
Are high in protein
Have no added sugar
Use grass-fed Irish milk protein as the protein source
Are gluten free
Have plastic free packaging
There you have it folks! Natural protein in a great Irish protein bar.
Check out their video here.
Shop the range here.