Frequently asked question
You will immediately get an automated order acknowledgement. Next, we will send you a personalised email confirming your delivery. This is followed by another automated email confirming fulfilment and giving you a tracking number (if applicable). After your delivery is made, we will send you a ‘Thank You’ email inviting you to leave a review and/or inform us of any issues. We track your delivery until it's made and will be in contact with you, if necessary, along the way.
Depending on your location and the timing of your order we will deliver using our own vehicles or by courier. Our preferred couriers are Fastway and UPS. Our customers occasionally prefer a courier. If this is the case, please let us know. More information here.
We will call you on the phone number provided and agree the next step, e.g., leave with a neighbour. If you don’t answer, we will take the package away and try again. Similarly, our couriers will try to make contact with you.
Primarily yes. We particularly love to support small Irish Food Businesses. We appreciate that every Euro spent in Ireland supports Irish families and causes. However, if we come across a unique niche product that isn’t made here in Ireland we might stock it if it fits with our policies and brand values.
If you are not happy with your delivery email us on and we will try to resolve the issues. If we cannot resolve the issue to your satisfaction, you can return the goods and we will either replace or refund you.
More detail here.
We accept payment online via Shopify Pay and PayPal. If you have any questions on that please email or check our footer.
Yes, we specialise in gifts! Visit our Gifts Section and browse the options. Add your requests re notes, cards, etc in "Notes for Seller" in your shopping cart..
We strive to use only recyclable, reusable and/or compostable packaging. Our boxes are very useful or can be placed in your recycling bin. We use compostable internal packaging for bottles and fragile items. We are constantly checking the packaging market for more environmentally friendly options.